Entrances and Exits (2017)
Placements bring people together to provide work experience to those planning to enter a particular workforce including teaching, nursing, business, law etc. Each individual has their/her/his own perspectives/expectations of what should transpire, often differing. Are they realistic?
Great Expectations Intro
Placements bring people together to provide work experience to those planning to enter a particular workforce including teaching, nursing, business, law etc. Each individual has their/her/his own perspectives/expectations of what should transpire, often differing. Are they realistic? As you examine each scene, ask how is social power being employed. Who would you say is abusing power? Why?
First Impressions
When does a placement start? How would you like to be regarded by those in the workplace? What is your definition of professionalism? – List characteristics. Using image theatre, sculpt a person into your ideal first impression. Relook at the video and using “stop/start” rewrite the scene. Look at the beginning of next scene for ideas. What is meant by “Guilty by Association”?
We witness two individual about to start a placement, each behaving quite differently. If you were interviewing them and could only chose one, who would you choose based upon your first impression? Why? Hot seat someone playing the role of the second student asking them their/her/his reasons for behaving how they did and other possible alternatives. Fast forward and create a scene in which the administrative assistant and the boss have a discussion about this scene.
The Right to Decline?
The Right to Decline?
Dealing with Gossip
Dealing with Gossip
Safety/Caught in the Middle
Safety/Caught in the Middle
Constructive Feedback
Assessment is pervasive in our lived experiences with another commenting on our work/ourselves. One takes an external stance and another an internal one. Some assessments are formative and meant for what the assessor deems an opportunity for growth and others are summative with a final report of some sort or decision being made. In this case, both individuals have difference of opinion. Both seemed to be convinced they are right. Which side do you find more convincing? Why? Could this situation be better resolved? What could the next step be? In role, take either character and find a partner. Improvise a scene, “Later that Day”, and imagine talking to a colleague, friend or partner about what transpired. Then analyze the role play, exploring what other aspects emerged as a result of the improvisation. Has his changed your perspective? Take a situation where you believe your were unjustly assessed. Have another play the assessor and have a meeting, or write a script of that conversation with you taking both sides. What could have been done to have avoided this situation?