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Common Knowledge is an arts-based performance/workshop written by students, faculty and the Academic Integrity Officer at Brock University as they attempted to better understand the the complexities of multiple perspectives on policies, beliefs, misconceptions and behaviors that relate to academic integrity. Themes included authenticity, intrinsic/extrinsic motivation, peer pressure, citation confusion, betrayal, and grading.

These vignettes were performed and workshopped at a teaching assistants’ training session at Brock University


Kanthan Annalingham, Troy Brooks, Julianna Cronk, Jessica Dehoog, Nick Leno, Stefanie LePine, Gladys Lo, Bailey MacLachlan, Hayley Malouin, Sarah Mason, Rachel Mervin, Katy Milligan-Arsenault, Ryan Murray, Kendra Neaves, Joe Norris, Adrienne Smoke, Nicole Titus, Erin Weitendorf, Callie Wright

Scene 1 – Haunting Quotes

These quotes are from a variety of sources that discuss concepts of cheating. We joke at the end that we did not cite them as we spoke them. We thought that this would be awkward and drew attention to it though the ending. The printed script contains references to the quotes.

Scene 2 – Common Knowledge

How can we really know what is common knowledge? Should we cite Shakespeare, religious texts, Confucious? Confusing eh?

Scene 3 – Subjective Marking #1

We all have life events that impact our learning and as a result, our grades. What factors, if any, should be taken into account? members

 Scene 4 – Interference

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Scene 5
Can You Plagiarize Yourself? #1

Can assignments be considered double dipping if its contents were used elsewhere? How does one refer to one’s previous work?

06a Coach Athlete Teacher

Scene 06b Coach Athlete Teacher

Scene 07 Unfair Advantage

Scene 08 Subjective Marking #2

Scene 09 Romeo & Juliet Group Work

Scene 10 Can You Plagiarize Yourself #2

Scene 11 Bribe

Scene 12a Second Chance

Scene 12b 2nd Chance

Scene 13 Subjective Marking

Scene 14a Silly-Copy:Paste

Scene 14b Silly- Mixed Message

Scene 14c Silly-

Scene 15 Can You Plagiarize Yourself 3

Scene 16 That’s Not Me