These scenes are remounts for video from archived footage of performances of Common Knowledge.
Common Knowledge for Video
Troy Brooks, Mary Code, Brandon Dear, Kat Gottli, Bailey MacLachlan, Joe Norris, Demetri Tsioros
1 Haunting Quotes
A series of quotes about cheating run through a person’s mid before making a decision about citing.
2a What's Common Knowledge
Determining what is/isn’t common knowledge is easier said that done.
2b Copy and Paste
For an ‘outsider’ the rules can mean something different. (Believe it or not, this actually happened.)
3 Plagiarize Yourself - Three Responses
3 Plagiarize Yourself – Three Responses
4 Second Chances, Deserved?
4 Second Chances, Deserved?
5 Pressures = Desperation?
5 Pressures = Desperation?
6 The Bribe
6 The Bribe
7 Who's Ideas Is It Anyway?
7 Who’s Ideas Is It Anyway?
8 Unethical Behavior?
8 Unethical Behavior?
9 Remorse
9 Remorse
10 That's Not Me
10 That’s Not Me