Beyond the Masks was written, performed, and workshopped with colleagues at Kennesaw State University.
Joe’s Collaborations
Beyond the Masks
Rethinking ReSearch Entry Through RePlaying
Rethinking Research Entry through RePlaying was written, performed, and workshopped with colleagues at James Madison University.
Rehearsal as Inquiry
Colleagues play with some of the text in Graham Lea’s dissertation
Dramatizing and Workshopping the Data
Norris, J., Ganesh, N., Hobbs, K. & Metz, M., (2021). Dramatizing and workshopping the data: Applied Theatre as dialogic research. Recording of paper presented at the 17th International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, Urbana-Champaign.
REACT Program
Nadia Ganesh and Candice De Freitas Braz, direct youth members of REACT Niagara