Major Awards
This is a superb paper that presents several significant conceptual ways to support arts pedagogy and arts-based inquiry. It is engaging and compelling, thoughtful and generous, evocative and provocative. His exploration of a holistic approach that adapts and honours the First Nations Medicine Wheel is highly creative, offering an alternative model for designing and assessing arts-based projects, with relevance for all those working in and through the arts. The paper is a mature and sophisticated work, based on a long commitment to the arts and education. The reviewers particularly appreciated the way the paper reviews a wide range of scholars and scholarship, and presents both theoretical perspectives and exemplars for consideration. Outstanding! From: American Educational Research Association’s Qualitative Research SIG for Playbuilding as Qualitative Research: A participatory Arts-based Approach
- 2015 – Significant Contribution to Educational Measurement and Research Methodology Award from the American Educational Research Association’s Division D with Richard D. Sawyer for our book Understanding Qualitative Research: Duoethnography
- 2015 – Tom Barone Award for Distinguished Contributions to Arts-Based Educational Research from the Arts-based Educational Research SIG of the American Educational Research Association
- 2015 –Humanities Award for Excellence in Research and Creative Activity from Brock University’s Humanities Research Institute
- 2014 – Publication Award ARTS SIG of the Canadian Association of Curriculum Studies (Awarded for 2011 publication)
- 2011 – Outstanding Book Award American Educational Research Association’s Qualitative Research SIG for Playbuilding as Qualitative Research: A participatory Arts-based Approach
- 2010 – Best Practice Award – Brock University
- 1999 Premier’s Award of Excellence – Honorable mention for research done with Safe and Caring Schools Project (Province of Alberta)
- 1998 Undergraduate Teaching Award Faculty of Education, University of Alberta
- 1990 Honorable Mention – Outstanding Scholarly Research American Alliance for Theatre and Education
- 1986 Education Quality Award for innovative curriculum development Nova Scotia Teachers’ Union