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This page was funded by the 2011 competition of the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) Insight Development Grant for the project entitled: Reuniting form and content: Generating, mediating, and disseminating social science research and arts-based performance genres through digital media and the Humanities Research Institute, Brock University.

These videos and links support my publication:
Norris, J. (In Press). Pioneering the use of video in research and pedagogy: A currere of media(tion). In j. jagonsinski (Ed.), After the Future of Education: RefleXtions on Our Age of Precarity. New York: Palgrave-McMillan.
Huge thanks to Brad McDonald for much of the video recording and editing.

Kevin Moynihan's

Kevin Moynihan’s web page. Go Now

Cosmic Zoom

Szasz, E. (Director). (1968). Cosmic Zoom. Montreal: National Film Board of Canada.

Queer theology

Mesner, K. (2014). Wrestling with the angels of ambiguity: Scholarship in the in-between: Queer theology / performative autoethnography. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of British Columbia

Excerpt from Radio Bikini:

Stone, R. (Director). (1987). Radio Bikini. In Crossroads Film Project. Ltd. (Producer). Great Britain: IFC Films.

Appendix V16 Brainsqueezing from:

Norris, J. (1989). Some authorities as co-authors in a collective creation production. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Alberta.

Scene from:

Norris, J. & Mirror Theatre. (2000). (Director, Actor). ReSearch: RePlay. Keynote performance presented at the Qualitative Health Research Conference, Banff, Alberta.

Mountain Dew remounted as Distillation for chapter 14 of:

Norris, J. (2009). Playbuilding as qualitative research: A participatory arts-based approach. Walnut Creek: Left Coast Press.

Excerpt from the Live Recording of Finding My Place:

Saldaña, J. (Director). (2001). Finding My Place-The Brad Trilogy, Keynote at the Advances in Qualitative Methods Conference. Edmonton.

Excerpt from Chapter 3 of:

Rutledge, M. (2004). Dance as research: The experience of surrender. (Unpublished doctoral dissertation), University of Alberta, Edmonton.

Placement Grapevine Scene from:

Norris, J. & Mirror Theatre. (1994). (Director, Actor and co-author with student company). Great expectations. Edmonton: Instructional Technology Center, University of Alberta.

Rufus Stone

Jones, K. (Writer). (2011). Rufus Stone. In K. Jones (Producer). England: A Parkville Pictures Production.

Video as part of presentation:

Bodle, A. & Loveless, D. J. (April, 2013). Breaking The Script: An Ethnodrama on the Roles Performed in Education Research. American Association for the Advancement of Curriculum Studies in San Francisco, California.

1 Live – One Camera – Conflict in the Library

1 Live – One Camera – Conflict in the Library

2 Live – Two Cameras – I’m Fine

2 Live – Two Cameras – I’m Fine

3 For Camera – Staged Like Theatre – I’m Fine

3 For Camera – Staged Like Theatre – I’m Fine

4a Studio Audience

Walsh, S., Bickel, B., & Leggo, C. (2015). Arts-based and contemplative practices in research and teaching: Honoring presence. New York: Routledge

4b Studio Audience

Mesner, K. (2014). Wrestling with the angels of ambiguity: Scholarship in the in-between: Queer theology / performative autoethnography. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of British Columbia.

5 Following a Dance Improvisation

6 Finding the Shot


7 Rehearsal as Inquiry

8 Camera as Improviser

8 Camera as Improviser

9 Camera as Rehearsal Reminder

9 Camera as Rehearsal Reminder

10a Life Like Continuous Shot with Narration

10a Life Like Continuous Shot with Narration

10b – iPhone Ad

10b – iPhone Ad

11a Performing at Conferences

11a Performing at Conferences

11b Performing at Conferences

Snowber, C., & Gerofsky, S. (1998). Beyond the span of my limbs: Gesture, number and infinity. Journal of Curriculum Theorizing, 14(3), 39-48.   Norris, J., Gerofsky, S., & Snowber, C. (2015). Critical curriculum explorations via song, dance and other performative modes: My brunch with Celeste Snowber and Susan Gerofsky: A performative conversation. Paper presented at the Provoking Curriculum, Conference Vancouver, BC.

12a Clutter and Camera as Data

12a Clutter and Camera as Data

12b Camera as Mediator

12b Camera as Mediator

13 Interview Contextures

13 Interview Contextures

Student films don’t look like student films

The iPhone ad “Student Films Don’t Look Like Student Films” with Jon Favreau is no longer available.