Norris, J. (2020). A Walk in the Park: A Virtual Workshop Exploring Intertextuality and Implicit Powers Within Texts. Cultural Studies↔ Critical Methodologies, 20(1), 26-34. Retrieved from
Chapter and Article Support

Poems on Health

Currere of Administrator
Norris, J. (2018). A currere of maintaining mental health as an administrator through a reflective-practice, arts-based inquiry. Curriculum & Pedagogy Group’s 10th Edited Collection. (pp. 191-207). Charlotte: Information Age Publishing.

Use of Video
Norris, J. (2017). Pioneering the use of video in research and pedagogy: A currere of media(tion). In j. jagodzinski (Ed.), The Precarious Future of Education: Risk and Uncertainty in Ecology, Curriculum, Learning, and Technology. (pp. 241-276). New York: Palgrave Macmillan.