These vignettes were performed and workshopped at James Madison University
ReThinking Research Entry through RePlaying
Aaron Bodle, Deborah Carrington, Chapman Hood Frazier, Douglas J. Loveless, Joe Norris, Ashley Taylor-Jaffee
Scene 1: Predispositions
Scene 1: Predispositions
Scene 2: Reception
Scene 2: Reception
Scene 3: Who has the Power?
When one makes a request on another, the other holds all of the power.
Scene 4: Negotiation Part 1
Scene 4: Negotiation Part 1
Scene 4: Negotiation Part 2
Scene 4: Negotiation Part 2
Scene 5: You
Scene 5: You
Scene 6: Selling It
Scene 6: Selling It
Original: Gaining Entry
Original: Gaining Entry