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Beyond the Masks

These vignettes were performed and workshopped at Kennesaw State University. Music for Mirror scene was generously supplied by Rafael Gato Fuentes at Music for the three dance scenes are under license  from

Published in:

Norris, J., Alvarez McHatton, P., An, S., Davis, C., Ford, J., Guerra, P., Her, L., McDonald, B., Ritchie, S. (2018). Towards an understanding of inclusion through the playbuilding of ‘Beyond the Masks’. In M. J. Harkins & S. Singer (Eds.), Educators on Diversity, Social Justice and Schooling: A Reader. (pp. 141-177). Canadian Scholars’ Press. Toronto: Canadian Scholars’ Press.


Sohyun An, Corrie Davis, Jillian Ford, Paula Guerra, Leena Her, Patty Alvarez McHatton, Joe Norris, Scott Ritchie

Beyond the Masks 1: Choral

Voices on multiculturalism and “othering”. What do you hear, and what do you feel?

Beyond The Masks 2: Dance 1 – Expelled

Inclusion, acceptance and the role of individuality are explored in group dance. How do you interpret what you are seeing here?

Beyond the Masks 3: Park Bench 1 – Which School?

How clear are we communicating when it is not quite so clear how clear we are being heard. What was the real issue here and what does this mean about the perception of being heard?

Beyond the Masks 4: Dance 2 – Teach Her

Teaching and instruction as agents of conformity. What does it really mean to be “included” and how are educators being co-oped into this agenda?

Beyond the Masks 5: Park Bench 2 – Alienation

Social naivety, context and culture all interact. How does assumption and “othering” play a role in framing discussions?

Beyond the Masks 6: Hello

Sometimes real, sometimes fake, sometimes, mood, sometimes culture. How do we say hello and what on earth does it really mean?

Beyond the Masks 7: Dance 3 – Agency

Identities. Where do they come from. Who is in control of them and what does it mean to really be yourself?

Beyond the Masks 8: Park Bench 3 – Agency

Exploring how emphasis on one set of differences sets up for more dialogue on further differences. Can learning more about each other drive us apart? Or do you see it that these characters will become close?

Beyond the Masks 9: Gatekeepers

Who are the gatekeepers? Who gives them power, and who here has a voice?

Beyond the Masks 10: Mirroring

Two approaches, one class. What happens when interjections arise?

Beyond the Masks 11: Choral Variations

Exploring tone and meaning. What do you hear? What do learn from what you can hear?

Beyond the Masks 12: Testimonials

A reflection on moments spent on the outside. Can we relate to these stories, not on the basis of halving lived them but on the basis of having too been once on the outside?

Beyond the Masks 1: Choral

Voices on multiculturalism and “othering”. What do you hear, and what do you feel?

Beyond The Masks 2: Dance – Expelled

Inclusion, acceptance and the role of individuality are explored in group dance. How do you interpret what you are seeing here?