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As a cast rehearses scenes they generate insights as they respond to the text through action and interaction. The recursive interplay of finding form from the content also creates new content from its reforming. These are five recordings of a scene in Graham Lea’s dissertation, Homa Bay Memories: Using Research-based Theatre to Explore a Narrative Inheritance.


George Belliveau, Lynn Fels, Graham Lea, Brad McDonald and Joe Norris. Also with Sean Weibe in discussions.

Take 1

Due to a bad cold, George Belliveau could not attend this rehearsal and Joe Norris whose primary task was that of videographer and discussion facilitator filled in. Graham Lea played himself and Lynn Fels, who had rehearsed the scene a few times, played, Graham’s mother, June. It was a cold reading for Joe Norris who read Phyllis, Graham’s grandmother/June’s mother.

Take 2

After the cold reading and considerable discussion, the scene was replayed.

Take 3

For this exploration a recasting resulted in generating fresh perspectives. Videographer Brad McDonald entered and Graham Lea worked the cameras.

Take 4

A few days later George Belliveau, feeling much better, returned to his role as Phyllis.

Take 5

Take 5